Why subscribe?
The Greater London Project is a group of Londoners celebrating the things that make London great, and working to make it even greater.
We want London to be:
A growing city with dense, beautiful, affordable, abundant housing of all kinds and tenures. More people should be able to live in London - we should be excited by a future with twenty million Londoners.
Built to human scale, so people can walk, cycle and get public transport to where they need to be.
For people to live, not just work, with a thriving pub and dining culture which spreads out onto pedestrianised the streets in summer.
Be the safest capital city in the Western world, where people aren’t afraid of crime, no matter where they are or the time of day, with the police working efficiently to catch serious and petty criminals.
A clean, beautiful, verdant and shared space, with parks and squares which everyone can enjoy in peace and quiet, and new buildings that are intended to be beautiful.
A city that embraces new technologies like drone delivery and self-driving cars. London should lead the world in experimentation and adoption of technologies like these, rather than following the pack.
A historic city, where we celebrate the past and live up to its amazing heritage, without treating the whole city like a museum that can never change.
An open city for people of all different backgrounds, and at all different stages of life, from all around Britain and the world.
Stay up-to-date
Sign up to get invited to our events all over London, with other people who share our belief in making London bigger and better than it already is. We will be putting on talks, workshops, classes, tours, drinks, and many more. Or better yet - let us know what you want to do, and we’ll help you put it on!
Write for us
We’re also looking for ideas to publish – please email us if you have an idea for a 500-800 word article on either an idea for improving the city, or about something that is already great about London that more people, in the city or elsewhere, should know about. Send your ideas to greaterldn@substack.com.
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